MNT Reform Next

A new 12.5" open hardware laptop that is future-proof, modular, and highly performant

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Project Backers

Thank you for your support!

Jason B
Chicago, IL

Johannes B
Hannover, Germany

Christine Lemmer-Webber
Easthampton, MA

Johannes N
Winterthur, Switzerland

Filipp G
Staten Island, NY

Melbourne, Australia

Jack D
Concord, CA

Lothar K
Eschborn, Germany

Krystian K
Ostróda, Poland

Moritz H
Aachen, Germany

Marcel W
Neuenhof, Switzerland

Mandeep S

Marc K
Nürnberg, Germany

Andreas F
Basel, Switzerland

William M
Vancouver, WA

Paul F

Vincent G
Clermont-Ferrand, France

Matt C
Wichita, KS

Peio B
Lyon, France

Charlie A

Dave M
Montreal, Canada

Abe L

Viliam K
Bratislava, Slovakia

Nanda S
Melbourne, Australia

Samuel D
Chester, Canada

Alexandru E

Severin S
München, Germany

Michael F

Wes K

Alex G
Berkeley, CA

Yunqi S
Göteborg, Sweden

Bohan Yu
Beijing, China

Alexis S
Château-d'Oex, Switzerland

Kyle A
Walnut Creek,

Scott U

Alex G

Rukoru K
Modesto, CA

Matthias H
Esslingen, Germany

Felix B
Bullenkuhlen, Germany

Todd L
Huntsville, AL

Brady Y

Tucker M
Salt Lake City,

Shenyang Z
Chaoyang Qu, China

Wiktor L
Linköping, Sweden

Anthony Y
Meridian, ID

Jona S
Münster, Germany

Minty Fresh
North York, Canada

Jens E
Lund, Sweden

Bastian B
Mönchengladbach, Germany

Alexander D
Hamburg, Germany

Austin H
Osaka-shi, Japan

Evan H
Minneapolis, MN

Markus H
Regensburg, Germany

John B
Milford, PA

Alex T
New York,

Gal E
Los Alamos,

Noah B
Seattle, WA

Anastasios K
Limassol, Cyprus

Michał M
Katowice, Poland

Dhanvanthri N

Guillaume S
Paris, France

Satana d
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Turtle Island

Mary Christine D
Oregon City,

Sebastian J
Chemnitz, Germany

James M
Swindon, United Kingdom

Christopher M
Ozark, MO

Sam T

Camilo Q
Bogotá, Colombia

Jan A
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Chase T

Eric C
Silver Spring,

Brie V
Silver Spring,

Malav D
Bellevue, WA

Michael B

Morgan H
Hercules, CA

José-Paul D
38400, France

Rémi R
Rennes, France

Arkadiusz H
Espoo, Finland

Fabian G
Butzbach, Germany

Richard B
Lincoln, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Federico Amedeo I
Vimercate, Italy

Drew J

Émile M
Grenoble, France

United Kingdom

Luke W
Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Joshua S
Karlsruhe, Germany

Evangelos P
Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Jan S
Hannover, Germany

Luis F
Konstanz, Germany

Radu - Eosif M
Săbăreni, Romania

Victor C
Coimbra, Portugal

Jason Morley
O'ahu, HI

Julien M
Paris, France

Shane R

Dru N
San Carlos,

Jamie H
Vancouver, Canada

Peter K
Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany

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