
Security keys you create by rolling dice

Mar 04, 2021

Project update 11 of 12

Shipping Soon, App Updates, & Getting Started

by Stuart Schechter

Inclement Weather Delays

This information is coming from Crowd Supply:

After being delayed by the severe weather and power outages in Texas, the DiceKeys arrived at Crowd Supply’s warehouse last week. The items are now being stocked into inventory, so that the warehouse team can start shipping out DiceKeys and SoloKeys (for those who ordered them). Crowdfunding orders that were placed during the campaign (before October 1, 2020) will begin shipping first, and pre-orders will follow. Watch for emails from Crowd Supply for updates, and you can check your order details and more within your Crowd Supply account.

Outgoing orders may still see some delays as the warehouse team gets back up and running, but the expected delivery dates have been updated with best estimates considering the situation. Thanks for your continued patience and support. You may contact Crowd Supply support team with any other questions.

The rest of this update is from the DiceKeys team:

App Updates

The beta Android App is now in the Google Play store. So, whether on MacOS, iOS, or Android, you can now try out the app.

Get it on Google Play

Download on the Apple App Store

Until your DiceKey arrives, you can use the image at the bottom of this email, either printed or displayed on a screen (other than on the device you’ll be scanning it from, of course).

As we respond to bug reports and feature requests, we’ll be working on solutions for those of you who ordered DiceKeys with a SoloKey and don’t have an Android or MacOS device to seed the SoloKey with.

Product Errata

Please be aware that there was a printing error on the instructions sheet. Where Step 6 should have been printed, Step 4 was printed instead. The best instructions are in the app, but for reference, this is what Step 6 should have looked like.

Getting Updates

The best way to get updates is to follow us on Twitter, @DiceKeysLLC.

Reporting Problems

The best way to report problems with the app is to file an issue on GitHub, as our full development team is subscribed to all open issues.

For the iOS/MacOS app:

For the Android app:

For questions about SoloKeys:

For general questions about DiceKeys: support@dicekeys.com.

Best regards,

Stuart Schechter

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