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View Purchasing OptionsHello supporters and backers. After too long of a silence following the first production batch fulfillment, we are back to public firmware/software issue-solving, feature additions, and the next production batch. Read the full update.
Hello supporters and backers! CaribouLite finished production. The testing is delayed due to Covid in China, as the testing process requires a human in the loop. We intended to supply the boards by Christmas, but unfortunately we missed this goal, and the supply will be delayed a little further to February (hoping for the health and well-being of our contract manufacturer's workers). Read the full update.
Hello, CaribouLite Backers! It has been a while since the last optimistic update, and you all must have noticed, we had another major delay in our plan. It was partly due to our euphoria, when we managed to secure the components on July 2022 (rather than on June 2023!). Read the full update.
All components have been secured, and CaribouLite production continues. Unfortunately, we have had to delay delivery of CaribouLites until October. Those are the words we have been unable to say until now. We waited to be 100% sure, but, as of today, this has became our optimistic reality. Thank you for your patience! See below for the gruesome details... Read the full update.
Thank you backers! For your support, interest, and trust! We are super excited to say that our first campaign—CaribouLite—was successful, and that we reached our funding goal thanks to you. Two hours left to go, then we head into the manufacturing phase of the project! Read the full update.
This update will cover the work we have conducted during the last couple of weeks on the software side - examples, manufacturing software, Linux modules, and more. Read the full update.
This update will cover some technical details of **FPGA development** over CaribouLite and the **SMI interface**. Weekly questions from backers and answers come next, and finally we will have a special topic about the **real Caribou**. Read the full update.
Loads of info about our campaign's progress, new video tutorials, and questions from backers answered. Read the full update.
We've been working hard to reach this point, and we've finally arrived. After producing three hardware revisions and developing software and firmware almost from scratch, we are thrilled with our results and excited to be launching the CaribouLite crowdfunding campaign. It's alive!! Read the full update.