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View Purchasing OptionsSomus start shipping today! You'll receive an order confirmation email with a tracking number when your package has shipped. Read the full update.
Somu landed in Portland a couple weeks ago and have been prepared for final fulfillment. Unfortunately, due to the holidays, there'll be a bit of a delay in orders getting to you. In the mean time, read about Field Reports... ;) Read the full update.
We raised $58,117! We also visited our contract manufacturer in Italy for the first time, and OpenPGP is coming along! Read the full update.
We're so close to $50k, we can get there! This is your last chance to order Somu with a discount, before it goes up to $35 USD. Read the full update.
We reached $35k and started manufacturing. And there's so much more we can do in the next 25 days! Also, we'll be at Maker Faire in Rome... and you? Read the full update.
Learn how to write a blinky program on Somu. And meet some of our friends! Read the full update.
We wanted to share a few details of what went into making Somu: the 1.2 layer board, the layout & footprints, and how we leveraged "Z-axis milling" to help fit into the rubber case. Read the full update.
First day, 180+ backers from around the world. A big thank you for this great start and a few stats, because we all love day 1 numbers. Read the full update.
Somu is the micro version of our Solo security key. We were inspired to make a secure Tomu, so we took its tiny form factor, we added the secure microcontroller and firmware of Solo, et voilĂ ! Here we have Somu. There're even a few early bird (even-lower-priced) units available at the beginning of the campaign. Read the full update.